Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Digital Media: My Best Friend

My name is Nolan Anderson and I am an aspiring musician. I look everyday at my life as a blessing and never stop pursuing my dream of being one of the top artists in my genre. Given this information, I have only this current time in history and technology to thank. Bare with me please.
I look at struggling musicians from past generations and really feel for them as they were greatly hindered by the time at which they were born. Technology has come leaps and bounds over the last 20 years and far advanced the speed and convenience at which musicians/artists can share their works. Tools like Facebook, Myspace, Youtube...etc, have changed the way things are as we know it. These social media/networking tools are the in my view the greatest thing since slice bread. Why??? Exposure in the past generations was so much harder to come by. Getting your voice heard wasn't as easy as uploading a new song on your website for all of your comrades to listen to. The obstacles for previous generations prior to the internet were very large. Record company and radio exposure were essentially their only outlet. Now everything is right there in front of us and we have to make sure and capitalize on our fortune. These times and tools are why my "bff" is: Digital Media.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and your staements about using todays technology to be seen and heard. I think its a great alternative to traditional methods of marketing and & promotions. I heard several stories of success from aspiring singers and musicians who posted songs and vids, recieved a ton of clicks and record deal offers.I'd like to hear your music. I'm also involved with music production. keep reaching for your dream.
