Thursday, September 16, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Dig Media changed music and industry

    Years ago like Kareem (above) I spent a whole day shopping for records. I called "my guy" at different record store locations and asked what he had new. If he had some good albums, i was on the way. J&R Music World, Tower records, Bondy's, colony records, Rock n Soul records, Vinyl Mania, Underground records, The Wiz, and Vinyl fever were all my stops during record hunt day. I enjoyed it, it was exciting to me, especially when i found a rare or collectable album.

    When I got home with bags of albums I listened to them one at a time reading album credits, looking and admiring the album artwork or pictures and album design and artists bios. By albums end I enjoyed a music experience. I related or connected with the retailer who recomended the album, artist and the music the background singers, musicians, engineers, producers, songwriters and sometimes they even posted who the caterer was. Search, shop, anticipate, listen, enjoy! equals retail experience.

    Todays methods are alot less formal and super quick, I guess its a sign of the times. Actually cold compared to past methods yet still effective. Go online, go to a fav music resource site, type in song, choose song, purchase song, download song,
    listen to song. The methods are quite different but the end result is the same, but kinda like ice cream with no cake. The older method allowed me to have my ice cream with cake and a strawberry too!

    The digital age allows for rapid production of recorded material, which equals rapid distribution of recorded material. In my opinion I think its good for the industry, giving consumers the chance to puchase audio/video by phone, internet and digital tv keeping up with the supply and demand of the technological age that we are living in.

    There is also an increase in genres and quantity for digital media which also makes storage a problem for past retailers. In mega cities supply and demand has always been a problem. Digital media has solved that problem.

    We are definately past this now but all the reatailers I listed above are now out of business with the exception of two and they are now online retailers.

    Digital Media reminds me of the industrial revolution, where new machinery took the jobs of skilled laborers.

    The digital age has taken the jobs of many retailers,and skilled laborers. I notice, automated checkout lines at the supermarket, computer kiosks at banks, cable providers, cell phone stores,department stores, movie theatres, hotels, car washes,hospitals, fast food restuarants, gas stations, kinkos,library's, restrooms, colleges, planes, trains, automobiles, busses, taxi cabs, concert venues, advertiement billboards, toll booths, computers, internet and radio and television.

    The world is moving at a very fast pace and to keep up with this pace, information, and technological progress is a must. This is why digital media is so important. Gaining the knowlege and concept of the digital age is vital to the future of the way industrial society will manage, create, communicate and operate.
