Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Film Vs Digital

        In my last blog, I talked about how certain people prefer listening to vinyl records over digital music. I started to think the same would be true in photography, in the use of film versus digital photos. Apparently so have numerous other people, evident by the number of articles and blogs already covering the topic. So what it comes down to for me is a matter of preference; and this time I tend to prefer digital photographs for several reasons:
The first reason is longevity; this could be the same reason why some people prefer film as well. A digital photograph will look the same in 10 years as the day you took it. Film, on the other hand, will succumb to the elements and show signs of age over time, possibly even completely deteriorating. However; the grainy aging of film is a characteristic that some photographers seem to desire. Again, this effect is something that could be easily duplicated on a digital photo too.

This brings me to the second reason, of why I prefer digital photographs over film. Editing, there are far too many programs and apps out there that allow you to easily edit a digital image. The possibilities are endless when it comes to fixing a photo or manipulating it to an extreme. These programs can be seen as methods that detract from the “realness” of the image. This is a point I do agree with, mainly because of the extremes people have gone to improve their images. In some ways the skill has changed from an ability to capture a priceless image to the ability to create a priceless image, through software, from a standard image. I still believe these programs are still invaluable enhancement tools, when used for the right reasons.
The last reason I personally prefer digital photos over film is: Time. The time it takes to capture a moment and be able to share that moment with whomever I want to, makes digital images that much more valuable. Photos are instantly available, without even having to shake anything in the air.

-Chris Moses, GCSC Student


  1. Our world is really a digital world now. People want and some need instant access to everything. I like how you brought the digital film into that equation.

    Trevor Petersma

  2. I think the reason why people still prefer film over digital is because it's a timeless skill that requires extensive knowledge of photo chem manipulation. It's sort of like a sculpture that's either handmade or one that's manufactured. The handmade one of course has more value to it than the manufactured one because of the human element of skill and talent.

    People want to maintain the integrity of the skill that others before them and before our time now have spent hours in studying and perfecting. And, believe it or not, photographers that still use film get paid more for their captures than those done digitally. I know this as I spoke with a woman that's been doing photography for years with film. She refuses to go digital cause it was an artform that her grandfather passed down to her.

    So, perhaps why some choose film over digital is for other unknown reasons like it carries a sentimental value that can't be replaced.

    V.Nguyen - GCSC Media

  3. I prefer digital over film but I think it may just be because that is what I have grown up with is digital. My grandparents and parents on the other hand would prefer film because that is all they know. They say that film is easier to use and they like the old time cameras that would print the picture off like within a minute or two of taking the picture ( the pictures with the white borders and square) I do not really care for those because it is not up to date and the pictures look better when taken with a digital camera or my smartphone.
    -Lindsey Ivey

  4. I really enjoyed your post. I like the idea of digital everything. I own a digital camera and obviously a cd player because I mean come on it's 2014. But I looooooove my record player and polaroid camera because of the oldness that they both capture. Great job!
