Monday, November 10, 2014

A Digital Society

  Imagine the world around us 10-15 years ago. Cell phones were just phones with no internet connection, computers were home and office based technologies only, if one were to have one at all, and people were social butterflies going out into the world for face to face interactions. Now, cell phones are mini computers, laptops can be taken anywhere and everyone of us
owns some kind of digital technology, which, has led to and is leading more into a world of virtual hermit crabs. People no longer have to step outside their house unless they want to. We can shop at home, go to school at home, go to work at home, and even socialize at home. Although, we are able to connect to people all over the world in a matter of one finger click; sitting alone in front of a computer is isolating us. We are becoming less physically active and are losing more and more face time with other people. I can imagine the world 10-15 years from now where no one steps foot outside. It's a ghost town all over the universe while everyone is inside their homes on a computer.

This is what more and more families are starting to do instead of sitting at the dinner table talking about their days.
  I am a victim of this. My family and I get home, eat dinner on the couch and all get on our phones interacting with the entire world except ourselves. We are all losing touch with one another. We cannot, of course, get rid of technology or its advancements, but as a society we can put forth the effort in actually calling someone instead of sending an email or text. We can go out to lunch, have coffee or drinks instead of staying in to play video games on the computer. We, as a society, have to put forth the effort to not allow technology to isolate us.

 Social isolation refers to a complete or near-complete lack of contact with people and society. There's a real disorder for this and it's called social anxiety. Social anxiety affects 36% of society in America alone. Imagine how this percentage is growing higher and higher as people start to isolate themselves.

 Many don't think anything of technology and its effects because it's convenient and right there in our hands, but there is a very real problem arising with growing technology nowadays and I don't look forward to seeing how it will look in the future.

~Megan Burleson


  1. Hmm, I kind of see this happening but in the same respect it seems people can reach out to more people through the use of the same technology that isolates us. Maybe society isn't becoming anti-social, but finding a new means to expand their level of social interaction. A good solution to the isolation during family time is to set limits during those times.

  2. Great topic choice. I don't think a lot of people realize how drastically the advancements in technology have affected every day life. Just about every person you see out in public has their face buried in a phone or tablet these days.... I am guilty of this too. Although, I have started allotting a certain amount of "electronics" time daily for my family. Good job!

    Chris Ouimette

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good post! I do see what you are saying in your blog, almost every time I go anywhere whether it be to a restaurant or any other outing everyone is staring at their technology devices. It is a little irritating when you meet friends or family for dinner and they are constantly on there phones. I would like to be able to talk face to face with them instead of having to fit what I have to say in between their cell phone.
    -Lindsey Ivey

  5. Great post, people are more into technolgy, There is movie coming out called Men, Women and Children which goes into this issues.

  6. LOVE. THIS. POST. Technology is taking over our lives I feel like. I hate being at dinner with friends or family and they are on their phone constantly. Great job!

  7. This post is one of the best. What is happening is a truly worldwide.-Russell Johnson
