Friday, October 3, 2014

Should digital video replace traditional photo chemical film? By Devan Meeder

Avatar was Filmed With Digital Camera 
For most of the 20th Century,  movies were filmed using photo chemical film, but digital film arrived n the early 2000's and which became the more popular choice, and it’s now tipped to completely take over from traditional film. So should photo chemical film be discontinued? Well lets go over some of the pros why digital is superior over film. Digital allows anybody to be a filmmaker. Using traditional Photo chemical you have to change rolls or canisters of film every 8 minutes, which can add big costs. With digital you can film for hours with a memory card. Since its takes 8 minutes replace a film it also causes an inconvenience for actors since they would have to wait, With digital you film as long as you want. Digital Cameras can also be made in shapes and sizes allowing for more film possibility's and easier to take complected shots, photo chemical film cameras have big, bulky sizes which is will limit how they shoot a movie. Also Digital Film is always improving technology with 8k coming out in the future, Photochemical film can no longer be improved upon.
Christoper Nolan's Interstellar was filmed using Photo Chemical
However, even with all this pros that digital has over photo chemical, I still think photo chemical should still be around for the foreseeable future. Photo chemical film still has very unique look, that digital film cannot yet capture, Film director Christoper Nolan says film looks like a paint brush painting while digital film looks like a crayon painting. Its also more reliable way to archive a film, Since digital would be stored on a hard drive, hard drives could eventually fail. However having a film on Photo chemical can last forever with proper archival techniques.
Overall I think Digital and Photo chemical film can co-exist. While they both have pros and cons, they are both equally important for the movie industry.
If you want to know more information on Digtal Film and Photo Chemical Film, I recommend the movie side by side here is trailer to the movie. 


  1. Its always good to have both, there will always be certain characteristics and grit of chemical film that cant be reproduced digitally. I do like some aspects of digital photos and film, but would be highly reluctant to completely do away with chemical film.

  2. I wouldn't mind seeing films with photo chemical composition. Sadly, the downside to advancing technology is that traditional ways of doing tasks are getting overshadowed by digital means. Traditional is always bad like with music, vinyls way better than CDs or audio files.

    - A.Walker

  3. Really interesting didn't know there was a difference when it came to film.
