Saturday, October 11, 2014

Digital Media Fueling Entrepreneurial Drive

Digital Media Fueling Entrepreneurial Drive

Digital media has become a big part of everyday life for many people.  Some of the people most affected by the growth of digital media are entrepreneurs.  Never before was it so easy to get your name out there or produce digital medium as it is today.  The best part is, the avenues to promote a business or idea keep growing... almost on a daily basis.

bag of money by johnny_automatic - little cartoon guy carrying big bag of money with dollar sign - could easily be changed to have euro or other currency.

In the old days, businesses relied on word of mouth.  If you offered a quality product, consumers would in turn tell others about their dealings with your company.  This was great for businesses that have been around forever and already established a name for themselves.  It was a different story for new/emerging companies that offered new products people had never seen.  Getting street cred was a daunting task that many entrepreneurs could not overcome.

Today, it is simple as sitting down at a computer to promote, market and create a new company. Almost 150,000 new businesses open there doors in the United States each year and a lot of the credit for this belongs to digital media.  There are so many different ways it benefits the realization of people's ideas and supports entrepreneurship.

The video below depicts a young boy using different digital media mediums in order to help find his missing iguana.  It showcases just a few ways to get peoples attention in a digital format.  Imagine the boy being the entrepreneur, the people being their customers and the recovered iguana to represent the sale of their product.  It's a cool way of seeing how easy it is to reach out to people in order to serve a purpose. 

People are always looking for the newest things on the market and digital media has provided a path for entrepreneurs to get their products out there in the consumer's grasp. Many of us don't realize how much digital media has an impact on businesses.  Being successful is all about chasing your dreams and it's never been so easy to make them a reality as it is now.  That being said, it's not all fun and games when it comes to opening up a new/cutting edge business.  We will touch on that topic in my next blog post.  

Chris Ouimette
Digital Media 2000
Fall 2014


  1. Good post, I think digital media is becoming even more essential to entrepreneurs as it becomes more accessible. With the assistance of some websites , anyone can create their own website, create their own commercials and advertise through social media. Gives reach to a wider potential customer base

  2. I enjoyed this post.

    Digital media certainly has changed a lot of lives especially narcissistic people on the internet. I wouldn't necessarily say that you have to have a business in order to make bank. Have you seen some of the girls on Instagram or other social networking sites? All they have to do is take photos of themselves and they get paid for it. To me it's gotten out of hand how easy it is to make money online. It kind of insults those that work hard to make a living when some just have to look pretty or appear half nude in a photo. You wouldn't believe how much they make just because they look a certain way. Is that a kind of business? I honestly don't think so because they employ no one. People aren't really benefiting from their success.

    To me, a business is about making a change. One that provides opportunities not only for the business, but for those who want to work for the business. It's about making lives better for those who work hard and wish to seek a living from their efforts. Selfie prostitution is not a business, lol!

    V.Nguyen - GCSC Media

  3. I enjoyed this post.

    Digital media certainly has changed a lot of lives especially narcissistic people on the internet. I wouldn't necessarily say that you have to have a business in order to make bank. Have you seen some of the girls on Instagram or other social networking sites? All they have to do is take photos of themselves and they get paid for it. To me it's gotten out of hand how easy it is to make money online. It kind of insults those that work hard to make a living when some just have to look pretty or appear half nude in a photo. You wouldn't believe how much they make just because they look a certain way. Is that a kind of business? I honestly don't think so because they employ no one. People aren't really benefiting from their success.

    To me, a business is about making a change. One that provides opportunities not only for the business, but for those who want to work for the business. It's about making lives better for those who work hard and wish to seek a living from their efforts. Selfie prostitution is not a business, lol!

    V.Nguyen - GCSC Media

  4. I enjoyed this post.

    Digital media certainly has changed a lot of lives especially narcissistic people on the internet. I wouldn't necessarily say that you have to have a business in order to make bank. Have you seen some of the girls on Instagram or other social networking sites? All they have to do is take photos of themselves and they get paid for it.

    I personally think that it's gotten out of hand how easy it is to make money online. It kind of insults those that work hard to make a living when some just have to look pretty or appear half nude in a photo. You wouldn't believe how much they make just because they look a certain way. Is that a kind of business? I honestly don't think so because they employ no one. People aren't really benefiting from their success.

    To me, a business is about making a change. One that provides opportunities not only for the business, but for those who want to work for the business. It's about making lives better for those who work hard and wish to seek a living from their efforts. Selfie prostitution is not a business, lol!

    V.Nguyen - GCSC Media
