Friday, June 20, 2014

Likeable Social Media | Book Review

The author is the co-founder, along with his wife Carrie, of Likeable Media. Likeable Media is a social media marketing firm based in New York City. The book is an easy read. 256 pages broken down in 18 chapters. Each chapter title quickly states instructions of how to create likeable social media and further reading teaches how to produce successful social media strategies. This book also gives examples different companies took and the success and failures they experienced in social media.

Basically, the general theme of this book is to listen your fan base and customers, to get an idea of what their interests are and what they are looking for, and basically doing the things that will make you likable.

So far I’ve enjoyed reading this book. I’ve found it does a good job providing the basics that has helped me get a better understanding of social media. I also enjoy how the author talks about how to deal with negative comments. There is a whole section on handling negative comments instead of ignoring or deleting them as some other company’s do. The author does a good job allowing the reader to view social media through the eye of the consumer.

-- Scott Ingle


  1. What kind of tips does does it have toward social media involvement and engagement?

  2. Does the book show photos and examples of good posts? Personally, I'd find that pretty helpful.

  3. Looks like an interesting read, I will have to check it out
