Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Found It

Who hates losing things? I know I do, especially where you are in a hurry trying to get out the door and you can’t seem to find your keys, and you know that they’re just within feet of you, but you just can’t seem to find them. You start wishing you had some sort of super-hero power and that you are able to see that they have fallen down between the pillows of the couch cushions. Well, Nick Evans and Mike Farley may have found a solution, and no, it’s not the ‘secretes’ for getting super-hero vision or knowledge, but they have come up a product that has a tag line of “the world’s largest lost and found”, they call it Tile™.   It is a very small device about the size of a silver dollar, but square. It can be attached to items that you might lose, and use the Tile™ iOS application to be found. Tile™ uses Bluetooth radio connection and the app discovers it, and use the service to update the location of that Tile™. So, if your laptop is misplaced, and it has a Tile™ attached to it, you open the iOS app and it will show where it is at. It tells you are getting warmer, and Tile™ even has a built in speaker to sound off a ring tone for an easier find. The disadvantage is that the Bluetooth only works in a range of 100 feet. BUT WAIT! There is a solution for that. As each person becomes a member of Tile™, they become part of the Tile™ community. Then whenever they are in range of a missing Tile™, it will send an anonymous update of that Tile’s location into the system, forwarding the information to the Tile’s owner. They call this the “Community Find” feature.  As the community grows and more people become members, the easier things will be to find.  Tile™ the world’s largest lost and found.

by-Jason Kennedy


  1. THis is way cool, I was wondering when someone would come up with a way I can keep track of my keys.

  2. I remember reading about this a while back, I'm glad it's finally on the market. Remember the ones that would chime when you whistled? This is a great replacement for those.

  3. This is an awesome invention and i can only imagine the things you can keep track of! I would be really interested to see of the "Community Find" would really work well. Time will tell with this app and see how it does with its consumers who use this product. Pretty neat invention.
