Sunday, September 16, 2012

Baby Boomers Going Back to School


               If you’re over 40, chances are it’s been years since you’ve taken any kind of educational classes.  There are many reasons why baby boomers might decide to go back to school.  Whether you choose the formal classroom setting, a community college, online courses, or even the free “audit” courses offered by many colleges where you can sit in if a class has extra room, or listen to a lecture online for no accreditation.  It may be with the shifting economic times you feel your job security may be enhanced by a college degree.  There are so many young college graduates hitting the workforce with fresh sharp minds that it can be a bit intimidating.  It may be you just want to keep your mind sharp.  Studies show that the best way to combat Alzheimer’s and dementia  is to constantly stimulate the brain.  For many over 40, it many have been years since their brain was actually “stimulated”, such as mothers whose kids have left the nest, or someone who has spent their entire adult life at the same mindless job, doing the same thing day in and day out with no challenges or learning requirements whatsoever.  Another group may be the ones that are getting more involved in the social media such as Facebook.  According to, over 20% of its users are over 45, with older men seeing the fastest growth in the last year.  Many of these have never used a computer before, or perhaps very little.  Remember the YouTube video of the elderly couple trying to set up their Skype? The bottom line is with digital media becoming such a vast part of our lives today and even more so in the future, it makes sense to educate ourselves, even if it is only in that particular field.  Cash and checks are becoming obsolete.  Online banking and ATMs are replacing old fashioned person to person interaction.  If the people of the baby boomer era don’t educate themselves, especially in the field of digital media , they will find themselves drowning, feeling overwhelmed and helpless in the ever changing and growing world of the “computer generation”.

Sheri Botzong


  1. Interesting observation! Computers have taken away a lot of "old time" jobs. The real question would be 'is that a good thing'? Personally, I like to talk to people it builds relationships. The other thing is that these boomers no matter what they do education wise are already a leg down when it comes to job hunting. Most companies would lean towards a younger person, and invest in someone they see as being around for the long haul. I don't agree with that, I think the most qualified person should get the job! But facts of life are that doesn't always happen. Great piece!
    Chris Todd

  2. I agree, after being out of school for 25 years one night while helping my son with an online class, I thought hey I can do this. Although I do work full time, my children are almost grown and don't need me as much so I decided its time to finish what I started. 25 years ago I started taking classes in fine art with the change in time and technology advancements I have expanded that to digital media. I can't wait to master photoshop and illustrator to become an awesome Graphic Artist.
    Cindi Davis, DIG 2000

  3. I too am a Baby Boomer. I started off my academic career in the traditional way going straight to college from high school. My first career as a special education teacher who taught children who were emotionally impaired was a respectable one, which I spent over thirty years doing. Yet, when my youngest child went off to college, I felt the urge to return as well. Now that I am back in college in the technical age, I’m learning just how good we had it back in the day. I’m grateful for classes like this or I’d really be lost in this digital age.

    Dawna Philyaw

  4. Sunny Notimoh DIGI2000October 1, 2012 at 1:34 PM

    There are many of us out boomers that is. I have found myself back in school many times over the years. I love the wealth of information and the resources now available in this "digital age" but I am challenged in actually learning how to use it. It's as if my brain that was raised on books, pens and pencils doesn't know how to process computers and internets and twitters. yikes.
    Sunny Notimoh DIGI2000
