Sunday, December 12, 2010

Art without limits: is digital better than traditional?

When thinking of art most people think of a painting or drawing, however art is really limitless. The traditional forms of art are no longer the only forms of art. Digital media has now shown just how wide a topic art can be.

Now the world of digital art can take forms no on e would have ever thought. What you can do with a computer is unbelievable. But does its ease make it less of an art?

Some argue this very topic. Is digital art considered a fine art?

In the past who defined art were museums, schools and other prestige artists. We were told what is and what art isn’t. However with the internet and the unbelievable rate information travels, now new ideas are being thrown at the public from all sides. People are finally able to have a mind of their own when considering art.

When it comes to the ease of digital art, this is a myth. It is not a click away from a masterpiece. True in a way it is less stressful because mistakes can sometimes be resolved but that is sometimes. There is skill involved in digital art just like traditional art. Without a creative, skilled hand the work you do will just be a bunch of scribbles.

Some people seek to send the message that digital art is ruining traditional art. Do to so many people being attracted to digital art the traditional art forms are becoming extinct, according to some traditional artist. They also believe that people do not look at traditional art the same way. When you see a painting hanging in a gallery you are seeing a person sweat, tears, maybe blood, and time all on a canvas. When you see a digital work you could possibly be seeing just a copy. It is true that a digital artist may have gone through the same thing as the traditional one; sweat, blood, tears, time, the whole bit, but you cannot see this in his piece. Maybe his computer would show the signs. A digital piece of art can have multiple copies when a traditional piece has one original piece which copies can only mimic.

When it comes down to it most artist use a little of both digital and traditional steps to get the masterpiece they desire. I don’t think digital art should be looked at negatively. I think it should be looked at with an open mind. Isn’t that what artist strive for? Creativity. It shouldn’t be the medium in which the masterpiece is created it should be what the work is saying and what is stands for, the content. If you are a traditional artist look up some programs and try a digital work. If you are a digital artist bring out the easel and paint brush and try an oil painting. Before you judge another person (or their work) walk a mile in their shoes.


  1. I agree its gonna be a long argument between traditional and digital art forms but lost in all of that is that we forget what fuels the art and thats the creativity and the mind of the artist itself. wether looking at his or her work on a big screen or paper art is art regardless of how it is captured

  2. of course there is the argument over whether or not digital art really counts as art. not matter what though, even there is more ease to using digitl media, it envolves its own set of skills and talents in my opinion. a phennomnal traditional artist may not be able to handle a computer, while an amazing animator or digital painter may have no clue how to paint in real life. does thi mean that on is more impresive than the other? does this mean they can't be integrated and combined? that one is better than the other?

    I don't think so.
