Monday, December 8, 2014

What Digital Media is

The word digital media is interesting. By definition the word means to characterize by computerized
 technology. The word dig is in digital media. This is interesting to me because, one definition for dig is to work hard. Also it can mean to understand, appreciate or admire. I feel these sentiments express how I now feel.
 There are many fields and areas which digital media applies. These areas cover news and advertisement as well as anything that we use  electronic devices for. I find myself critiquing web designs as well as commercials on the television. I even find myself explaining to my wife and kids how the spacing on certain products can effect the products overall success. To say the least this class has made me very aware of my surroundings.
 Like for instance an interactive kiosk. These kiosk can be some what robotic but they still dispense very important information. Understanding digital media is almost like entering another dimension because its always moving and growing. Another area of understanding digital media is that their are so many ways to tackle any given project. In short there is not a science to it because its always adapting.
My appreciation has grown in ways I didn't think existed. Its an sobering thought to think how digital media effects the entire world. Even  elections for public office are majorly influenced by digital media. I recently purchase a phone and the interface played a part in me buying it, because it would make social media easier.
I really admire digital media and have an immense respect for it. I'm in awe of the whole field. This no doubt will make it difficult to pick a field to focus in on.- Russell Johnson

Monday, December 1, 2014

Digital Media Flooding Entrepreneurial Marketplace

The internet has made it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to create and promote a new business. Many prospective business owners have used digital media in order to make their business dreams a reality.  One big problem though..... Anyone can do it!  There are so many different businesses out there now that entrepreneurs almost always have some sort of competition. 

Chess Match by algotruneman - Two men playing chess on a park bench
It is extremely hard to compete in today's marketplace when it comes to opening a new business.  Even if you come up with a great concept that has never been seen before, it can easily be copied or duplicated. There is a steady movement of spin-off companies chasing the coast tails of already successful businesses.  Everyone is attracted to the dollar signs produced by emerging business plans that have shown success.

The ability to quickly/easily open a new business with the use of digital media has caused many great failures. Just because something is easy to start up, doesn't mean that it'll be a breeze to maintain or strengthen.  A lot of planning needs to go into the start of a new endeavor.  The more knowledge and preparation you have under your belt, the better off you will be and the more likely your business choices will pan out.  Sadly, many entrepreneurs do not plan for the common obstacles of running your own business.

Technology is an ever-changing thing.  Everyone has access to it and in order to be the best, you'll have to stay current.  There are so many success stories out there involving making money with the use of digital media. Never forget that there are even more failures.  Prepare yourself before jumping in head first.  Make sure you're ready for the challenges ahead.  I'd encourage anyone to chase their dreams.... Just make sure you'll be ready once you've reached your pinnacle.

Chris Ouimette
Digital Media 2000
Fall 2014